Teams are encouraged to think of creative ways to raise funds to help reduce the cost to players for team expenses. Some ideas of fundraisers that have been done by teams in the past are yard sales, car washes, candy sales, holiday gift wrappings, and bake sales. The policy of NCFC is that individual team fundraisers must be approved by the NCFC Board prior to the undertaking. The Team Manager can contact a board member to have the request brought to the board.
Sponsorships can be solicited by NCFC players. There are very specific rules that NCFC must follow in reporting these sponsorships, so that means specific rules for teams. NCFC must keep information on sponsorships and their amounts for club records. Also, anyone who donates in excess of $250 must receive an acknowledgement/receipt for tax purposes.
NCFC is a 501(c) corporation. The Tax ID number is available upon request. Members of NCFC are not entitled to a tax write off for their player fees, as they are receiving a service.
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